Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hypocritical Liberal Outcry Over "The Path to 9/11"

Great post from Bruce Thornton about the liberal outcry over the ABC television special The Path to 9/11. If you haven't seen the special yet, find a friend who taped it and watch it. It is some of the most riveting television I have ever seen (second only to "24").

The whining of Democrats and ex-Clintonistas about the “docudrama” The Path to 9/11 has given us all another example of liberal mendacity and hypocrisy. Start with the total silence of the usual civil liberties suspects to say a word about this attempt at stifling someone’s First Amendment right to free speech. Where are the ACLU and its usual clichés about the “chilling effects” of such attempts? Where are all the blowhard academics who noisily defended the noxious Ward Churchill?

Read the whole thing.