Monday, May 16, 2005

NEWSWEEK Lied, People Died....

I will blog more later about the role of NEWSWEEK (now dubbed Newsweak and "Toiletgate"--"Loogate" in the UK-- by the blogosphere) in aiding and abetting the enemy, but my husband asked an interesting question last night...

If an Islamic country had flushed Bibles down the toilet, do you think Christians would be rioting and killing people in response?

Kind of makes you think, doesn't it? He should start his own blog.

UPDATE: Just another random thought. I am as happy as anyone to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to trashing the MSM, it really OUR fault that the reaction of the Islamic world is to riot and kill each other over an alleged desecration of the Koran?

We tend to be very narcissistic here in the US and think that we somehow can control the actions of the rest of the world, simply by being inoffensive. I think that is a naive (and dangerous) view.

UPDATE: Lots of good stuff out on the blogosphere. I'll keep updating.

Check out this one...
"Guns Don't Kill People...Reporters Kill People". And this one..."Newsweek Told Koran Flush Story Was 'Slam Dunk'"

Austin Bay also has some great commentary.

UPDATE: Newsweak retracts.

Great comment from Cliff Kincaid, of the
Accuracy in Media website:

Ironically, noted Kincaid, Newsweek assistant managing editor Evan Thomas has been teaching a course at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government on "the ethical, moral and practical issues that recur in news delivery."

Kincaid commented, "It looks like he flunked his own course."

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