Sunday, July 17, 2005

Michael Crichton Does it Again...

Just finished a great book -- State of Fear by Michael Crichton. The book is a quick read, with the trademark Crichton combination of a gripping story line backed up by excruciating research on the subject matter - global warming.

He quotes Mark Twain in his preface:

There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

Crichton spent three years researching the information in a list of environmental studies, which are contained in a 20-page bibliography in the back of the book.

His most important points have to do with the dangers of the 'politicization' of science--an alarming trend in our world.

He also quotes Alston Chase:

When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the role of politics in science.

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