Monday, November 21, 2005

More Good News from Iraq

While it looks like Zarqawi is still on the run, this good news was buried in an article in today's Washington Post...

Over the past month, the official said, there has been a series of raids following a surge in tips from Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation. These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams -- upset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. "Their feeling is that al Qaeda in Iraq has overstepped its bounds," he said.

One of our biggest problems in dealing with an in-country 'insurgency' (read: terrorists) is the tacit complicity of their fellow countrymen. Iraqi leaders may have been willing to 'hedge their bets', by outwardly supporting the U.S., but yet doing nothing to stop Zarqawi and his thugs. If they are now willing to turn him in, I think his days are numbered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All good news on Iraq is buried in the newspapers or not even reported on the mainstream media. I was watching C-Span last Saturday evening, I believe it was and service man after service man that had been in Iraq called in to talk about all the great progress that was being made in Iraq. There was only one a little negative made by a woman who said she had served in Iraq and she was just complaining about they did not have consistent power, etc. I just wished a lot of our so called journalist would have seen it, though I am sure they could have managed to emphasize the one negative call.