Friday, November 07, 2008

NOW they tell us...


I would swear
this is from SNL or The Onion....

But it's not.

The MSM is dead....Rest in Peace.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

But it looked great on TV.....

Priceless user comment from the Instapundit poll today...

From Mumblix Grumph on November 5, 2008 at 8:03 am.

Yesterday America ordered a RonCo Magic President. How could we not? They have been flogging the product for over 2 years with every Hollywood and media face giving testimonials on how it would change our lives for the better.

Now we wait the 6-8 weeks for shipping. Wait until America opens the box and reads the ingredients. A pinch of Ayers, a dash of Wright, a little Farrakahn and a lot of smoke and mirrors.

Not to mention the fraudulent fund raising.

Too bad he doesn't come with a return policy.

And the true cost is yet to be determined....

One silver lining of the Obama victory...

Here is one 'silver lining perspective' of an Obama presidency and a stronger Democratic majority.

For the past eight years, I have found myself constantly having to defend conservative positions against the naysayers. Despite the majority in Congress, Bush and the Republicans were blamed for every social ill, every global conflict, every sad story of some poor individual who lost their job, didn’t have health insurance, and couldn’t realize the American Dream.

But, it is always easier to point out the flaws in a strategy than to actually create and enact a workable strategy. It is always easier to be against something than to be for it. It is always easier to oppose a war when one is not directly responsible for the safety of the American people. It is always easier to point out all the things that are ‘wrong’ with America than to craft policy and implement it in a way that actually solves the problem. It is always easier to promise a multitude of social programs than to actually make them a reality (and free from their logical consequences).

It is always easier to give a speech than to govern.

The country will have pure, unadulterated exposure to the Democrats and their leftist ideals. There will be no filter - no Bush to blame - no pretense that they lack the power to make the changes or solve the problems. We will see how their policies make us safer, more economically viable, more globally 'admirable', more influential with evil dictators, more egalitarian.

And we can stand back and criticize their failings.

Now the shoe will be on the other foot. I, for one, am looking forward to the role reversal.