Wednesday, November 05, 2008

But it looked great on TV.....

Priceless user comment from the Instapundit poll today...

From Mumblix Grumph on November 5, 2008 at 8:03 am.

Yesterday America ordered a RonCo Magic President. How could we not? They have been flogging the product for over 2 years with every Hollywood and media face giving testimonials on how it would change our lives for the better.

Now we wait the 6-8 weeks for shipping. Wait until America opens the box and reads the ingredients. A pinch of Ayers, a dash of Wright, a little Farrakahn and a lot of smoke and mirrors.

Not to mention the fraudulent fund raising.

Too bad he doesn't come with a return policy.

And the true cost is yet to be determined....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He does come with a return policy. It's called impeachment, lobbying and the ballot box.

4 years from now we will see a massive turn out at the polls, even bigger then this time.

This administration is 1000 times worse then Jimmy Carters. We are still recovering from the effects of that administration.