Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Continuing Saga of Ward Churchill...

The Ward Churchill story is becoming more and more bizarre. Paul Campos, a law professor at the University of Colorado, writes a great article here...read the whole thing.

Rocky Mountain News

Not only has Churchill apparently lied about being of Native American heritage, but he has also fabricated a story, accusing the U.S. Army of intentional genocide-by-smallpox of the Mandan tribe in 1837.

Campos saves the best for last:

The saddest aspect of Churchill's case is that, in regard to his identity, he might not be guilty of fraud in the narrowest legal sense. According to the News, Churchill has been claiming to be a Native American since his high school days in Illinois. It may well be that by this point he has genuinely convinced himself that he actually is an Indian.

Of course some people believe they're Napoleon. But that's not a good reason for giving them professorships in French history. (emphasis mine)

Now, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater seems to be re-thinking their decision to have him speak on campus. See http://www.theamericanmind.com/ and http://view.web-nuts.com/

Update: Tonight, Friday 2/11, Bill O'Reilly questioned why Governor Jim Doyle has been silent on the Ward Churchill/UW-Whitewater affair. He encouraged viewers to let Doyle and the UW-Whitewater Chancellor Jack Miller know how they feel about the University sponsoring this hate speech. Let them know.

Send e-mail to UW-W at churchillresponse@uww.edu or to Governor Doyle at http://www.wisgov.state.wi.us/contact.asp?locid=19.

BTW, my brother in Minneapolis had this to say tonight:

"Interesting note: The St. Paul Pioneer Press prints an AP article in the 02/11 edition and entitles the article "Embattled Professor to speak on campus". The article never mentions any of the false claims Churchill has made."

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