Friday, February 11, 2005

Importance of Iraq War

GREAT editorial by Thomas Friedman on the strategic importance of the Iraq war in today's Journal/Sentinel. Since they don't seem to provide it online, I'll provide a link from the International Herald Tribune.

In Tom's open letter to Democrats, he brings up four points that should get Democrats 'jazzed up' about the potential results of the war. A summary of his points:

*A successful democracy in Iraq proves that democracy is a possibility in the Arab world.
*A free Iraq is our best weapon against Iran's nuclear program.
*Democracy creates a culture and environment that provides an alternative to terrorism.
*Iraqi freedom and self-rule provides encouragement for those in Egypt and Syria who want to see more open government there.

Here's the link:

The question is--can a Howard Dean-led Democratic party get over their unrelenting anti-war 'Iraq-is-the-quagmire-of-the-century' attitude to embrace the unbelievable world-altering good that can result? Can they find room in their hatred of President Bush to stop rooting for disaster in Iraq and start embracing success? Can they become a forward-thinking positive force, or just continue to Monday-morning-armchair-quarterback every decision this administration makes?

That is the question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This train has left the station and many have missed it. History will record this era as one of the most signifincat in world history. The left is blinded by hatred of George Bush and cannot bring themselves to see the importance of this event. They can only hope for failure.