Thursday, December 15, 2005

William Proxmire Dies at Age 90

I just heard on the news on the way to work this morning that William Proxmire, a former Wisconsin Democratic Senator, passed away today at the age of 90.

The AP has a story here in the Washington Post.

Proxmire was known for his "Golden Fleece" awards, which he gave out regularly to highlight waste in government. He drank his own Koolaid, too, by spurning campaign contributions, being a frugal money manager of his own office (he never went on an international trip in 20 years of service and fighting senatorial perks and salary increases.

Whether you agreed or disagreed with him, you had to admire his energy, dedication and "practice what you preach" approach to government. His passing reminds me of how far our elected officials have fallen from his example of hard work, integrity and dedication.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proxmire was a Democrat that I voted for. I wish we had more like him. I also heard he graduated from Yale and that his family were very well off but he could certainly understand and identify with the common man and the tax payers.