Thursday, December 08, 2005

You'd Think They Would Have Learned from the Last Election...

Finally. The GOP has had enough. After months of taking it on the chin and letting the Dems rule the airwaves with gross factual misrepresentation, the Republican National Party has decided to fight fire with....well, actual video! (from Drudge)

It was interesting today to hear Howard Dean accuse the Republicans of 'cherry-picking' his comments. He claimed that his remarks were taken out of context.

In case you missed it, he said "the idea that we are going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong". So, try to imagine a possible context in which that comment would mean anything different than it does standing alone. In case you would like to hear the entire interview for yourself to see whether you can divine an alternative meaning, check it out
here at the website of San Antonio radio station WOAI. There is an audio file of the entire interview.

I still can't quite figure out why the Democratic leaders persist in making loony remarks on the record (on television, radio, in interviews) and then protest that their remarks are being twisted in some Machievellian Republican plot. (I'm sure that Karl Rove is at the bottom of it all!)

I keep thinking that they are stuck in the past, where their version of the story was supported in the mainstream media and the general public had no way to verify the facts. For example, without the internet, you or I would have no idea what he actually said in San Antonio (unless we lived there and happened to catch the show).

However, now that anyone with a computer and an internet connection (or, heck, a library card) can replay EXACTLY what Howard actually said and decide for themselves whether the 'context' changed his meaning, why would he try to 'spin' his way out of it?

I don't know, but either Howard is pretty stupid, or he thinks we all are.

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